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From the day ​we are born, our mental life is focused on helping us meet our basic physical and emotional needs. We have many emotional needs -- to give and receive care, to keep ourselves safe, and to play, just to name a few. In fact, we have so many needs that we cannot possibly satisfy them all at once. Conflicts arise as we try to satisfy needs as best we can -- both ours and the needs of those with whom we engage in relationships of all kinds. We all learn ways of being with ourselves and others, some of which become automatic, or habitual. This process of learning to satisfy our emotional needs is lifelong, as circumstances and relationships are always changing.

Sometimes our ways of being don't result in us living the life we want. This can be the result of having made the best of difficult circumstances in the past, and/or our circumstances changing such that our old ways of being no longer work. Troubling feelings signal that something is wrong. However, figuring out precisely what is wrong and managing the distressing feelings can both be quite challenging. Distressing feelings are a normal part of human life -- but for some of us, these feelings can be particularly bothersome or impairing. This is why many people seek mental health treatment.

There are two main types of mental health treatment: medications and psychotherapy. Medications can help reduce certain symptoms (symptoms are the way distressing feelings manifest in the mind/body), but medication alone is often not enough. Psychotherapy is a process that allows us to learn new ways of being, resulting in meaningful, sustained change in how we feel, think, and behave. Through the therapeutic process we can learn about ourselves -- our habitual/automatic ways of being, why these ways of being arose -- and ultimately try out new ways of being.

My practice is focused on psychoanalytic psychotherapy and psychoanalysis, which allow for a deep exploration of each individual's mental world. These types of therapy can be helpful for a wide range of mental health concerns of varying severities. They can also be used to help people of nearly any age, from very young children and their families to older adults. As a physician, I am also able to prescribe medications when indicated. Regardless of the intervention, my goal is to provide you with individualized, in-depth, compassionate, and comprehensive treatment.

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